1·At present, the competition for bancassurance business between insurance corporations becomes more and more intense.
2·The most important financial institutions are the Banks, the stock exchange, the trust and investment companies and the insurance corporations.
3·Such tools, however, have mainly been the trademark of large corporations recruiting armies of similar workers, like telephone service representatives or insurance sales agents.
4·Their rivalry for control of railroads, corporations, and insurance companies was sometimes bitter and on one memorable occasion reached the point of open war.
5·International financial corporations of the world bank having shares of shanghai bank and Goldman sachs and Morgan Stanley having shares of Ping'an Insurance are two cases in point.
6·The large insurance contract was laid off among many corporations.
7·Blooming corporations are the insurance of their owners.
8·Laws regulating marriage, corporations, real estate, insurance, and education are just a few of the categories of law within the state's authority.
9·The statutory provisions relating to the mandatory requirement for owners' corporations (OCs) to procure third party risks insurance take effect on January 1, 2011.
10·Moody's Analytics products are used by more than 2,000 leading commercial and investment Banks, insurance companies, money management firms, and corporations in over 80 countries.